Helping You Take Control of Your Debt
That's Our Pledge to You!
Let's Get Started
*Disclaimer: Country Financial, LLC DBA "Pledge Financial", (“Pledge”), is a debt settlement company; not a credit repair or consumer credit counseling company. PLEDGE doesn’t provide investment, tax, or legal advice. PLEDGE does not provide services or assistance repairing, modifying, improving, or correcting credit entries or credit reporting. PLEDGE does not assume or pay any debts, receive, hold, or control funds belonging to consumers. PLEDGE’s debt settlement program is not available in all states. Individual results vary and are dependent on factors such as successful completion of the program, creditor cooperation, and the ability to save funds. Read and understand all contract terms and program disclosures before enrolling. Not all clients successfully complete the debt settlement program. C.P.D. Reg. No. T.S. 12-03825
**Disclaimer - We do not charge upfront fees and you do NOT pay our fee until a settlement has been arranged, you approve the settlement, and at least one payment is made towards the settlement. As each situation is unique, fees and costs vary. Please contact us at (619) 350-1571 for a free debt analysis and for complete program details.
14350 N 87th St suite 305, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone (619) 350-1571
Hours Of Operation 9:00am - 6:00pm (MST) Mon-Fri
© 2020 by Country Financial, LLC DBA "Pledge Financial", All rights reserved